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- Common Questions and Problems With Bass Class
- The following represents the most common questions and problems
- encountered with Bass Class. Before calling or writing us, please
- read the instruction manual thoroughly. The instructions are
- contained in a file on your disk called BCLASS.DOC.We have found that
- many questions can be answered right there.
- [1]
- PROBLEM: "I cannot make the program scroll to another section of
- the lake".
- SOLUTION: First, make sure the NUM LOCK is not set on your
- keyboard. Then, be sure you are using the NUMERIC
- KEYPAD ARROWS, not the separate cursor control arrows
- on 101 key enhanced keyboards. Remember to press the
- SHIFT key while you press the arrow keys.
- On many computers, in particular the early Tandy
- machines, there was an incompatibility with the
- keyboard. These machines would not generate a
- different keycode when the NUMERIC KEYPAD arrow keys
- were shifted. This problem occurs on some 'clone'
- machines too. This can usually be remedied by using
- the 2,4,6 and 8 keys in the top row of your MAIN
- KEYBOARD. Do not use the SHIFT key when using this
- method.
- [2]
- PROBLEM: "Sometimes 'garbage' appears when I try to scroll the
- screen or select a rod or bait".
- SOLUTION: Bass Class needs lots of FREE memory. Just because your
- computer has 640k or more of memory does not mean it's
- all free for Bass Class to use. We have found that memory
- resident programs (TSR'S) are one of the main causes of
- this problem. Programs like RAM DISKS, PRINTER BUFFERS,
- KEYBOARD ENHANCERS and MENU programs should not be
- loaded before running Bass Class. These programs occupy
- memory space even when not running, thus making it
- unavailable to Bass Class.
- Another occasional cause of this problem is lack of
- sufficient memory on your EGA card.
- Many of the older EGA cards only had 64k or 128k
- of video memory. They should have 256k to properly run
- Bass Class.
- [3]
- PROBLEM: "The program tries to start, but then stops."
- SOLUTION: One of the main causes of this problem is too many open
- files. DOS only allows 15 open files per process. Check
- your CONFIG.SYS file to be sure it contains the
- following two lines:
- FILES=20
- Bass Class tries to open several files when it starts. It
- then assumes they were open for its use. If in fact
- they were NOT opened, the program may hang waiting for
- them to be available. The two lines described above
- will help prevent this from happening.
- [4]
- PROBLEM: "I cannot save a game to the disk."
- SOLUTION: Many people try to save games (to be played later) on
- the original distribution diskette. A saved game uses
- about 60k of disk space, and the distribution diskette
- must have at least that much free if you expect to save
- a game. Also, make sure you're not in CAST MODE when
- trying to save a game with the ALT-S key combination.
- Sometimes, people have a clock or some other interrupt
- driven program running at the same time they're running
- Bass Class. Since these programs use interrupts, they can
- 'steal' time from Bass Class. If one of these prrograms
- decides to 'steal' its time while Bass Class is writing
- to the disk, the resultant file may be damaged. This is
- because DOS itself is inherently non-reentrant, and
- Bass Class uses DOS facilities to write to the disk. See
- #3 above as well.
- [5]
- PROBLEM: "I cannot restore a saved game."
- SOLUTION: See #3 and #4 above. Also, make sure ALL files that are
- supplied on your Bass Class distribution disk are in the
- same directory as BASSCLASS.EXE.
- [6]
- PROBLEM: "Bass Class does not always save my record catches
- properly!"
- SOLUTION: See #3 above. Also, some people thought they were
- clever, and tried to edit the BIGFISH.TXT and/or the
- BIGSTR.TXT files. Don't try it! One misplaced
- space or deleted/added line can mess the files up beyond
- repair.
- [7]
- PROBLEM: "I get a RUNTIME ERROR 002 then the program stops!"
- SOLUTION: This means that Bass Class cannot open a file it
- needs. This can happen if you do not have all the files
- that are supplied on the original distribution diskette
- in the same directory as the main program,
- BASSCLASS.EXE. It can also happen if you are missing a
- file altogether. Also, refer to item 3, above.
- [8]
- PROBLEM: "I get a runtime ERROR 004 then the program stops!"
- SOLUTION: This means that access to a file needed by Bass Class has
- been denied by DOS. Make sure there is no write-protect
- tab on your diskette, and see item 3 above.
- [9]
- PROBLEM: "I have an IBM PS-2. The program reports that it
- detects a VGA card then stops, hanging up my machine".
- SOLUTION: Some models of PS-2 computers have the MCGA video mode.
- This mode (320 x 200 x 256 colors) is a subset of the
- VGA specification. These computers reports VGA when
- queried by Bass Class. Bass Class then assumes that since a
- VGA card was detected, that it should use the maximum
- screen resolution it can, which is 640 x 350, 16
- colors. Bass Class requires a true VGA or EGA video system
- to run.
- [10]
- QUESTION: "I have a VGA card in my machine, yet the program seems
- to run in 16 color EGA mode. Why, and how do I make it
- utilize the 256 colors of my VGA?"
- ANSWER: See item 9, above. Bass Class runs in the EGA mode of your
- VGA card. It does not support true VGA (640 x 480 x 16
- colors) at this time.
- [11]
- QUESTION: "I have a Tandy machine that supports 16 color CGA
- mode. Is there a way I can run Bass Class in this mode?
- ANSWER: No, at least not at this time. Bass Class requires EGA or
- VGA to run.